Tuesday, June 10, 2008

and then they were six

So...I guess Mom kind-of already spilled the beans but we too are looking forward to a baby and will be six sometime around Christmas.

We have made it successfully through our first trimester and the boys are particularly looking forward to momma's "big fat tummy"! Ethan already talks to "baby hos" and informs us that it will be a girl. There are new questions every day. This should be an interesting pregnancy!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

How's Karen?

Can someone give us an update on Karen? She is due soon, isn't she? We're praying for you in Iowa, Karen and Joe and Baby!

Love, Toni

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Planck Baby

Greetings! As many of you have already heard, we are expecting a new Planck family member. Our due date is December 6th. Here's the first photo of the little one, taken at 8 weeks on April 28th.

We're a little concerned beacuse of the early resemblance to an alien. Not quite sure what we've created! We're through the 1st trimester with little to complain about. Hopefully the next 6 months will be just as smooth.