Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Diners

Happy Easter! We had a nice gathering here in Lancaster. Here's a pre-dinner shot of the group. Don't we all look hungry?

Of course, who really cares about dinner when there's dessert to follow? In the following two photos, take note of which side of the table is eating dessert and which side of the table declined.

Alright, alright, since Aunt Sheila and Uncle Les will be checking up on this, I suppose I should confess that we ALL had dessert. The older generation went with the traditional pie and ice cream while the youngsters chose cookies and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. And it was all delicious! Happy Easter!


mfielder said...

I know what side of the table I woudl have sat on. :) Sorry we couldn't make it up. I will update soon w/ our Easter fun.

Toni said...

I definitely would have gone with the peanut butter cups! Great pics, Kim. Thanks for posting! I don't even know if we took any this year. Mom was sick in bed with flu and I was in bed post-op. Hope next year is better!

Sheila & Les said...

By the way the main course was excellent. Fran is a good cook & Jeff helped. The dessert of course was a bonus, not to be refused.

pb said...

Well, we did not have Easter dinner as I spent the day in bed with the flu also! How did we manage that, Sally? Fred has it now--even worse--and you know how much fun sick men are.

Sally Boger said...

Can't complain too much. Had only one bought with anything this winter. What a winter. But, now spring is here. On to better things.

Easter was long ago. Just getting on the blog. Forgot for awhile.
Your Easter dinner made me a little homesick!