Saturday, November 29, 2008

This is our table. No people. Started out to be 2, then 5, and ended up 3. Too busy eating & forgot pics at dinner. It was delicious though.
Some of you know that Chloe was very sick this past week & had to see a doctor & go to Chlidren's Hospital several times for I.V fluids. Diagnosis was viral tonsilitis. She's better now, but Thanksgiving was not much of a celebration for them. Felt bad that they are so far away & none of us close to help.
Haven't done this for so long (sorry) Will try to do better.
Hello to everybody & I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.
Love Sheila & Les


pb said...

If we had only known, you would have been dining with us! Plenty of room and food.
So glad to hear that Chloe is doing better.
Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

Toni said...

So relieved that Chloe is better!! Those pics you sent just broke my heart.

A lovely Thanksgiving table as usual, Aunt Sheila! Wish we could've added to your numbers!