Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

Hi All!

Don't have any pics here at my office to post today, but wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving! Wish we were all going to eat at the same (huge) table!

We have had a busy fall here in Iowa. On the heels of the tragic spring and short summer we had, everyone here is bracing themselves for a winter that we are dreading. You can go anywhere, talk to anyone who lives here and people are overwhelmed already with worrying about what this winter will bring (the last one was the worst in many years!).

Okay enough about the weather - not sure where that came from!

The Hostetlers in Colorado will not be with us this year for Thanksgiving. Lorrie's pregnancy is going well. She's due next month - we may have a Christmas baby on our hands! Anyway, we'll spend Thanksgiving Day at Mom and Dad's (Ted & Sally). Carrie, Matt, and the kids will be there as well. No plans except eat, eat, eat (and maybe slip into a food coma for a while)!

What are you all doing? Where will you be? Let's post some pics of everyone at table like we did last year. It's fun to be able to see everyone celebrating.

So much to be thankful for this year again! As for me, top on my list are my family, my job, improved health, and all God's blessings that I tend to take for granted too often. I'm also thankful for my wonderful memories of you all as I was growing up. Those memories now seem to me to be from someone else's life.

Does anyone remember if we ever spent a Thanksgiving at the river??????

Love to all,

1 comment:

Sheila & Les said...

Toni, Thanks for pushing us to blog. I had to hunt for my instructions it's been so long since I did it. Wanted to send a pic of Sue & I making sand tarts to send to Dan, but realized the picture is in Sue's camera. Anyway we did it today. Just hope they don't arrive in Afghanistan in crumbs.
Glad you're doing well. Keep doing it.
Love, Aunt Sheila & Uncle Les